If you are the original owner, you should have received communications from the manufacturer regarding these updates. If possible, have your truck flashed prior to the conversion, many Ford dealers are hesitant to flash a converted truck. *Note: It is strongly suggested that you have the PCM in your truck flashed to the most recent factory firmware version. The data logs also allow the Tuning Technicians to confirm proper installation and all necessary signals are present. An SCT or HP Tuner will be necessary for our tuning service (DCS is an Authorized Dealer) Data logs recorded by the customer are required for our Tuning Technicians to tune your transmission to its fullest potential when mated with a Cummins engine. Be certain to complete your conversion, per our instruction manual, before driving your truck.

We recommend our tuning services for the Ford TCM to assure proper transmission operation and to get the most from your conversion. The stock transmission harness is utilized with no additional wiring. The advantages of using the Ford factory TCM are that you keep the tow/haul function, retain your factory diagnostics with regard to the transmission, and the shift quality adaptive learning remains functional. These transmissions work very well in the conversion. *You must retain the 3 sensors located in the exhaust system* Depending on the engine chosen, we offer either a new conversion harness (12V and 2003-2004 common rail) or a harness modification service (24V and 2005-2009 common rail). DCS can also do the bulk of the wiring work for you. Technical support is also available either through phone or email. Installation instructions are included with your parts purchase. You are not on your own when choosing to do a conversion with DCS. The stock radiator, intercooler and fan shroud can all be used as is with the Cummins engine. No modifications to the firewall, core support or floor pan are necessary.

The Ford ® Super Duty ® 6.4L truck is one of the easiest trucks to convert to Cummins ® power.